By sally / 23rd April, 2021 / Accommodation, Eating Outisde, Outisde Guest Area, Plaistow, Plaistow B&B, Sussex, Sussex countryside / No Comments
Our wonderful guests from Manchester really enjoyed our new guest areas in the lovely Spring sunshine and even when the sun went down and the evening turned chilly. They lit the firepit and opened another bottle of wine…
This area is going to be so popular this summer and the barbecue has already been lit.
Tags: #bartholomewbarn, #bestsussexbreakfast, #citybreak, #countrylife, #eatingalfresco, #goodwood, #holidayathome, #homeawayfromhome, #plaistowB&B, #plaistowbedandbreakfast, #rumboldswedding, #thenest, #thenestatplaistowbedandbreakfast, #weddingaccommodation, #weekendbreak